Racing is a sport driven by effort and cost. You need to work hard to be good at racing, and DDR Motorsports has no shortage of work effort. Spending time in the garage pays off on the track. Currently, the team spends almost every night in the garage fine-tuning the cars, checking all the parts, and passing back and forth ideas for improvement. Like our hard work in the garage to find that little extra bit of speed, searching for sponsors is another piece of work we strive to excel at. And much like the mechanical work we do; our marketing efforts require the correct resources and tools to be successful. There is an old saying if you want to make a million racing, start with two million. Though this is true, if you completely fund this passion by yourself, there is also an opportunity to work with others in mutual beneficial roles to offset the costs. What we are talking about is sponsorship.
As our team is always on the lookout for sponsorship, we recently had the opportunity to work with Ken Ungar of Charge Sponsorship to review our Marketing deck and learned a lot from Ken. His insight has given us a direction in crafting a story about our race that I knew of but never expected would be the best leverage out there. He pointed out our family has been racing together for nearly 20 years. Starting out initially with the kids at a young age racing Quarter midgets to now, where my son and me prepare and compete with a high horse-powered asphalt modified race car.
This realization has given me a new perspective on how to represent a company who is looking to build their brand. Using the family aspect and the working side by side with several members of my family adds tremendous value to anyone looking to reach others who have similar values. Moving forward we will be leveraging the strength of our family because of racing to all potential marketing partners. It is what defines us and it is who we will continue to be.
For anyone who wants to find out more, please feel free to reach out to us at
See ya the track.
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